Brilliant Brand

Your Brilliant Brand

In this video, Ann Bennett covers how to Create a Client Getting Brand— why you Gotta have it.

80 % of Buying decisions are Emotional. A Brand is an Emotion. It’s my hope that you dive deeply into this and create a brand that truly expresses who you are and what you stand for.

That’s what separates a business that flies or ones that flounders.


Your Brilliant Brand is the key to your success. It’s the foundational piece of the puzzle that most people forget about as they run after clients instead of pulling them in…magnetizing them to you.

So how do you create a Client Getting Brand that has you stand out and prospects say Yes.

I’ll be covering the following:

1. How you can stand out in the crowded marketplace using your unique Voice What is your “It Factor” that attracts your ideal client?

2.. How to express your point of view and interrupt the status quo.

3. The structure or methodology to cash in on your genius

To help you out…because most people can’t see their own eyebrows…the next step for you is to get my freebee 3 Simple Tweaks to create a client getting brand. And begin your journey of creating a unique brand Voice that truly expresses who you are and attracts clients like crazy.

Get it her: